Musings Of An Introvert
By: Ciera Barnes
As an introvert, I can attest to the fact that it can be overwhelming. Especially at social events. I tend to retreat into myself even more. Wondering when this will be over so I can go home. Home is my safe place. A place where I can recharge. That’s the thing about introverts we relish our alone time. Whether it means reading, meditating, or being out in nature. Since the pandemic, I've become more of a homebody. Going out makes me anxious and nervous.
Especially being in large crowds or groups. Something has changed within the past two years. I crave more of a connection with people. This connection comes with terms. The most comfortable I feel is with two to three people at a time. Any more that can feel overwhelming. I am trying to reach out more. Even though it pushes me out of my comfort zone. I still crave alone time. Solitude has always been my saving grace. Especially in these uncertain times. Having the space to center myself is crucial to my mental health.
As an introvert or extrovert where is your safe space?